Monthly Archives: September 2014

The truth about Adam Baldwin.

When I mentioned the opportunity I had to get Adam Baldwin’s autograph at Dragon Con, I left out one significant detail:

I didn’t pay for it.

[Read the full story here.]

Dragon Con 2014: Sunday & Monday.

My Dragon Con 2014: Sunday & Monday post is up!  And don’t forget to check out my geeky necklace giveaway in my previous post! 🙂

Geeky necklace GIVEAWAY!

You heard me–free stuff!  I’m introducing a new line of products later this week in my Etsy shop, so I’m kicking things off with a giveaway–read the full rules here!

Dragon Con 2014: Saturday.

Oops, forgot to mention over here that Saturday’s Dragon Con post is up!  Read it here. 🙂

My little pirate girl.

Any guesses on what my daughter, who refuses to touch a single princess dress or tutu in her dress-up box, wants to be for Halloween this year?  We tried on her costume this morning–see it here!

Dragon Con 2014: Friday.

Finally got my first Dragon Con post up on the new blog!  You can check it out here.

Caught up!!

Guys, I am officially caught up on moving my blog (to Blogspot)!   Just in time for all my upcoming Dragon*Con posts…. 🙂

Dragon*Con was eventful!  I have some great moments to share here.  I’ve also got some Etsy news on the horizon (hint: giveaway), and an in-depth tutorial in the works, so I am super excited that I can finally get back to devoting my blogging time to actually blogging.  Stay tuned! 🙂